cd /etc
cp exports exports.orig
chmod 400 exports.orig
nano exports
You find /nfs *( bunch of options here... )
Just add your folder like /nfs/Public or other folders to other lines, copy-pasting the options you find for /nfs. Leave the /nfs line safe, don't modify it: I experienced problems here and at least the /nfs share should be working, so I decided to only leave the /nfs line due to several tests and combinations, all failed because my custom shared folder appeared and disappeared. This due to an Hikvision bug that requires the folder to have a limited quota and WD MyCloud doesn't support quotas. We can bypass this limitation via any external linux machine: we mount MyCloud as FTP-to-filesystem, mount is as a file system, add it in /etc/fstab and export it via NFS.
Just add your folder like /nfs/Public or other folders to other lines, copy-pasting the options you find for /nfs. Leave the /nfs line safe, don't modify it: I experienced problems here and at least the /nfs share should be working, so I decided to only leave the /nfs line due to several tests and combinations, all failed because my custom shared folder appeared and disappeared. This due to an Hikvision bug that requires the folder to have a limited quota and WD MyCloud doesn't support quotas. We can bypass this limitation via any external linux machine: we mount MyCloud as FTP-to-filesystem, mount is as a file system, add it in /etc/fstab and export it via NFS.
If you still want to enable NFS on the WD MyCloud for future quota fix (I will still keep on trying, don't worry...), fix portmapper & rcpbind or NFS won't work on restart
update-rc.d rpcbind enable && sudo update-rc.d nfs-common enable
Manually restart everything you need
/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
Please notice that you could need to repeat the procedure on firmware update. It's a good practice to save a template e.g. /shares/exports.tpl to have your exports file handy to copy-paste in a folder which shouldn't be overwritten by new firmwares.
Now you can press "Search" on Hikvision DVR putting the IP of your NAS and he will reply with "/nfs/Public". Cheers to me!
As described, the only workaround is via a 3rd machine. I have a server providing AVI streaming around my LAN, so I decided to use that one. A shared Hostmonster plan via ssh could work as well, if you trust to ssh-tunnelize everything for security reasons (instructions provided inside this blog).
Add e.g. an hikvision user to your remote FTP users, assign a folder and a quota. I did it via CPanel on Hostmonster. Put a whatever dummy file in your FTP folder, to check later if it was properly mounted on the remote machine / Hikvision. My user would be and the password "FTPpassw0rd".
On your 3rd party operative system, stop iptables, set SElinux from "enforcing" to "disable", add a specific user and discover uid & gid assigned by the operative system:
useradd -m hikvision -p 'Passw0rd'
service iptables stop
chkconfig iptables off
nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux
mkdir /ftpmount
chown hikvision.hikvision /ftpmount -Rf
yum install fuse* libcurl* glib* glibc.i686 file-libs file-devel file-static curl curlftpfs -y
curlftpfs -o allow_other,nonempty,ftpfs_debug=5 -v /ftpmount
ls -la /ftpmount
Now you can create a file with protected credentials, so you don't have to specify them via command line in clear text (please remember to clean ~/.bash_history as soon as you complete all settings):
nano ~/.netrc
password FTPpassw0rd
chmod 600 ~/.netrc
curlftpfs /ftpmount -o uid=500 -o gid=500 -o allow_other
ls -la /ftpmount
You should be able to see the dummy file again. Then it's time to shape NFS:
yum install quota -y
yum install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
nano /etc/exports
/ftpmount,rw,fsid=1,anonuid=500,anonuid=500,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) fuse rw,noauto,user,uid=500,gid=500,allow_other,_netdev 0 0
chkconfig nfs onservice rpcbind start
service nfs start
exportfs -a
Then let the quota create the files:
quotacheck -cug
quotacheck -avug
showmount -e 192.168.1.x
Go back on Hikvision. On the "Manage Storage" tab, it will say "unformatted". You can safely press FORMAT, since it won't actually format anything in the strict meaning, it will just write new files & folders needed by the Hikvision. You should now see the "file info.bin". A folder "datadir0" will be created at the first mp4 file writing, containing mp4 videos, indexes and some logfiles.