domenica 20 novembre 2016

Bitbucket or Github + Hostmonster + MAMP auto deployment and clone

In OSX termina type in:

xcode-select --install
cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
git init
git remote add origin ssh://

Once you created your local files and put in your MAMP folder, login in Bitbucket and add your OSX ssh key for your user:
  • check that your ssh agent is running ps -e | grep [s]sh-agent
  • if not, start it ssh-agent /bin/bash
  • show your ssh key cat ~/.ssh/
  • if empty, you don't have a default key and need to generate it ssh-keygen
  • on OSX, copy the key into the clipboard pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
  • go to -> SECURITY ssh keys
  • paste and don't remove anything, a mail will be sent by Bitbucket

git add --all

git commit -m 'initial comment'

git push -u origin master

This allows to have a local MAMP repository and a remote Bitbucket repository. Hostmonster should autoalign deploying from Bitbucket: as soon as you commit your local branch, Bitbucket updates and will update Hostmonster accordingly.

For the Hostmonster part, download the files here and upload in your website (/deploy folder):

Connect to your ssh Hostmonster hosting, go to the folder to be aligned:

pwd returns a full path e.g. 


This path is the one to write in test/deploy/deploy-config.php
Once done, you need to setup as a "webhook" url inside Bitbucket: once BB receives a commit for new code from your local MAMP repo, visits the URL on your website, which will automatically git clone the new code:
  • Go to Bitbucket SERVICES (bottom menu item) -> Webhooks -> Add Webhook
  • fill in details, as default the action is bound on trigger "repository push", but you can also specify additional ones
The path would be like this: yourwebsite/test/deploy/bitbucket.php
or yourwebsite/test/deploy/github.php

The next time you will change something inside MAMP, you just go in MAMP folder and then

git add -A && git commit -m "modifications comment" && git push -u origin master

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